Internal Family Systems Therapy
Self-sabotage, procrastination, attachment issues and more make more sense and are easier to work with when we think about ourselves as having many different parts.
What is IFS?
Internal Family Systems Therapy is a way of working based on the observation that everybody has different aspects of their personality, or “parts”, that come up in different situations.
The name comes from the fact that these parts often relate to each other in the same way that different members of a family might relate to each other, with ongoing tension or shifting alliances between parts.
The idea that we all have multiple parts can be a little strange at first for some folks, but it’s not uncommon for people to refer to parts casually in conversation without even realising it. I might tell a friend that one part of me really enjoys my regular workouts while another part would rather sit on the couch with a book.

How Does IFS Help?
My clients often tell me that the thing they find most helpful about IFS is that it offers new ways of thinking about, relating to or visualising their experiences. Sometimes we also get a whole new experience of who we are through IFS work.
When we discover fresh metaphors or images that represent what things are like for us, it can help us to take a step back. We are now aware of, noticing and curious about something that used to feel all-encompassing.
Being curious about parts can bring a new perspective. We often discover that parts that seemed harmful are actually trying to help, even if it’s painful for other parts. As we stay with those parts and continue to work with them, they can begin to shift and change, becoming a touchstone that reminds us of how different things are now.